Friday, November 9, 2012

Cro Cop: All of you who want to fight for the money, forget it!

Mirko Filipovic has decided to send a message to everyone who appears before him in recent years and who have a great desire to engage in martial arts.

Apparently many are counting on entry into the world of combat sports for the money, but Cro Cop warns that this is the wrong way of thinking and thus are unlikely to get very far, especially not to a superior level.

"I received a lot of messages with questions related to training, and considering that I can not respond specifically to everyone, I will write it like this, so that all who are interested can easily see. The last one who wrote to me was a 17 years old boy asking whether he is to old to begin training, cause 'many' told him he is too old. Nonsense, those are the ideal years to start with serious training and please don't listen to people who have no idea about anything and feel dubbed to share lessons more or less about everything, and the only contact with martial arts for them were few seen shows of Fight Club on Eurosport."

"It's never too late to start practicing sports in general, and that refers to martial arts as well. Of course, to a man dealing with professional sports (from now on I'm just talking about martial arts), he should begin no later than about 18-19 years, and a lot depends on the genetic structure of the body, the talent and persistence, and each man is a special in this view. The biggest problem is the motive with which people enter the sport. Those who want to do martial arts to 'take the money', will never see the money."

"One guy wrote that he wants to involve in MMA, that he is 23 and wonders on how much profit he can count (I guess he wants to plan when to purchase). He will never see a nickle. Combat sports must be love, not a job, it should be strive for progress to be better than sparring partners, gradually to be the best in the club, to expand the horizons of local events. Opportunity for something more will come on itself if you possess the quality, but until then it MUST be a game and love, because who thinks about money, will never see it."

"That's how it is, it's the law of the sport. Everybody who did something, began so they can develop physically and mentally, to strengthen and to acquire the discipline, so they eventually proved to be an extraordinary talent, and then the opportunity for fights and earnings came by itself, and nobody of us planned that when we started with training. Some guys who have written  to me about this, read this pretty well and remember this, because I am completely right when I write you this." - said Mirko to all young fighters and those who would like to become.


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