Saturday, August 25, 2018

Ronaldo Phenomeno iconic picture

"The Day" that changed the live of every Interista.The day when he first showed at the San Siro.Although almost everything in world football today is about Christano Ronaldo, 21 years ago the world had the chance to be blessed by the plays of non-other than The Phenomeno. And non-others, but the Inter fans.A legend.Oh my God, what have we witnessed?!...

Monday, January 21, 2013

Greek Economy: THE WORST IS YET TO COME ..

This year the country remains in recession sixth year in a row, and ahead of it's citizens stand major new challenges. The trend of closing businesses, strikes, reduced pays and pensions continues in this year as well, and the Greek institutions warn of worsening situation because of rising unemployment and poverty. Greeks are convinced that evil is yet to come. Sometime before midnight, Thessaloniki Square "Aristotelus". Dozen immigrants, with music from a cell phone, with visible mood jump around the empty stage, on which for the New Year's Eve in the past performances had known Greek singers like Sakis or Despina Wanda ... Frightened by the frequent attacks of the "Golden Dawn" in Athens, many African immigrants arrived in Thessaloniki,...

Monday, January 14, 2013

Passion, state of mind .. or something more?

World is full of surprises now days. People do stuff that couldn't be thought off years back. Are this things normal? What is he trying to achieve? Desperate need for attention maybe? Or is it just a the inside feelings of his deeper feelings ? ... in any case, one of those tattoos that surely will attract your attention if he passes near by ...  ...

Friday, December 7, 2012

Few rules for attracting business attention

As entrepreneurs or small business owners, you may have already found yourself in a position where perhaps the most important activity in your job is to attract attention of potential buyers. However, it requires more effort than you think, no matter how easy that looks. You have a business, you have a product or service, now you need someone to listen, to see, to feel that you are here ready to solve the terrible, unbearable, troublesome and boring problem for potential buyers. The first step is to attract attention. Although attracting attention will not guarantee success for your business, you can read more in the attention, reputation and trust, and in the end, is the first step that must be taken. Attention aims to attract potential...

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Greek syndrome is eating the Balkan - Greece's collapse will cause a drain of capital from the region?

Greek financial collapse could lead to a severe economic downturn in the region of the Balkans, as well as among other countries which are not in the euro area, but had years of business ties with Greece, warn economic analysts. No one can predict how events will develop after the parliamentary elections on 17 July in Greece. Fears are not unfounded: Greek banks hold in their hands 15% of the charter capital of credit organizations of neighboring countries. Thus, the primary investments are invested in the economies of Bulgaria, Romania, Macedonia, Albania and Serbia. Analysts warn of the possibility of a Greek bankruptcy and say that the switch from Euro into Drachma will have negative affect for the business in the region. European Bank...

Just a pen ... or is it???

Just a student, on one of his classes, wearing a pen on his ear. Years known "catch", dating from the discovery of the pen. But first look usually lies. Take a better look .... yes, I was amazed too :) Well done creativity!  ...

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Tattooing - who, what and how?

A tattoo is expensive, painful and permanent. Removing tattoos is more expensive, more painful, and sometimes impossible. For these reasons, inform yourself pretty good about tattooing, and before you decide to visit a tattoo studio, consider the following. 1. CONSIDER GOOD WHICH PART OF THE BODY TO TATTOO If you don't want your tattoo to have an impact on your life and career (because there are still many people with prejudices, fact) don't tattoo body parts that can not be camouflaged with clothes, such as the hands, neck or face. The part of the body you choose should fit the image that you want on your skin, but should be suitable for covering with clothing (when this you need it). 2. DECISION WHAT TO TATTOO Tattoos with Chinese,...

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